Not much happening around here. I've been back to sculpting on a regular basis. It's nice now that I can sculpt when Wesley is awake and playing by himself. He will sit and read or otherwise entertain himself for several stretches during the day. I've been noticing small tantrums forming. There is a laundry room off of the kitchen that is off limits to him and we keep the door shut. First thing in the morning the door is usually open while the dogs are getting fed and so forth. As soon as I put him down he crawls at warp speed for the laundry room because he knows it's off limits. Like a moth to a flame. If I shut the door before he gets there he will throw himself down on the floor, face down and scream. It's lovely. I can see a glimpse of what the terrible two's will be like. Can't wait.
Here are some pictures of the kid in the tub tonight. I'm letting his hair grown out a little, I've been buzz cutting it for the past 4 months and I think it's time to see what it looks like a little longer.

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