I can't believe Mister Wesley's birthday is less than two weeks away (twelve days to be exact). I've been running around trying to clean this house up since we will be having family visit for the celebration. Tonight I went out and mowed the dreaded grove. Half of our property is a large grove of 300 walnut trees. It is a pain in the rear to mow, as I'm sure you can imagine 300 trees being. We tend to mow it only 2 or 3 times a year (and when I say "we" I usually mean me - for a change). I hate mowing in there, it is covered in poison ivy and I usually can't escape without coming down with at least three itchy patches somewhere on my body. Oh well, it is hard work but it sure makes the property beautiful.
I went shopping for the Mister's birthday party supplies last weekend and found some

pretty cute stuff at the party store. It seems there are several different designs out there for just the first birthday. Who knew? I settled on a Sesame Street babies theme since he can't get enough of the Sesame Street clips on YouTube. We are going to have a BBQ with burgers and hot dogs, should be fun. I'm going to make two different cakes, one full strength normal (sugary) cake and a separate one for Wesley and anyone else watching their sugar intake. There is a great recipe in the back of "What to Expect the First Year" for a cake that uses apple juice to sweeten it and it has carrots and raisin in it. Yum. We've been giving Wesley ice cream a few nights recently and he's getting to like it (can't get used to the coldness). I'm really looking forward to his little birthday party!
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