Random Stuff
Just some random things to say today.
- Wesley has started singing lately. There are a few songs that I sing to him routinely and he's picking them up and will join in on the words he knows. Generally he'll get the last line to most all of the songs. It is hilarious because he doesn't just sing the line, he screams the last line of the song. I'm going to post some video of him doing it soon.
- For about a week now I've been feeling the little Skittle moving around. In the beginning it's hard to differentiate between gas and baby flutters but I'm finally sure it's actually baby fluttering and not the bean burrito I scarfed down. This is about two weeks earlier than with Wesley, but I've heard that is common with the second pregnancy.
- We've officially entered into the rainy season around here. It seems to rain every other day. Unfortunately this came before we were finished laying down the compost on the filled in pool hole. Sean got about half covered and can't finish it because it is constantly too wet to drive the truck around the lawn. I debated what to do all last week while imagining how beneficial all this rain would be to baby grass seed. I decided yesterday too just bite the bullet and get the seed down before my open window of grass planting is shut. I figure clay isn't the worst thing for grass to grow in. So I went to Wally World and bought 40 pounds of seed and fertilizer and went to town raking and spreading seed. I got it down within an hour of a huge storm that dropped two inches of rain last night. Yeah! I can't wait to look out the back window and see green grass instead of a pool or worse, a demolished pool.
- The big ultrasound is this Wednesday afternoon!! Woo Hoo! We are so excited. We moved the date one day sooner so that my Mother could come along. I think it's the first time she's seen an ultrasound. It will be great having her there to enjoy it with us (plus another set of eyes to watch Wesley). If the little Skittle cooperates and shows us the "goods" I'll post the outcome Wednesday evening.
- Wesley has been hamming it up at the dinner table. He's really taken to his booster seat and seems to be happy to be out of the high chair. One of the pleasures of the booster seat is that he now has the ability to push himself away from the table and place his feet up on the table. I always know when he's done with his dinner because a foot will appear. It's hard to be strict with him and tell him to get his feet down when we're giggling.

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