We had the ultrasound today and were just shocked and delighted to find out the news. I thought it was going to be a boy, even though this pregnancy has been like night and day compared to the first pregnancy. With this one the morning sickness was a lot worse, I'm carrying differently, the heart rate has consistently been in the 140-150 range (Wesley's was always 170-180's), quite a bit less weight gain (gained 8 pounds in 18 weeks). The ultra sound technician said Wesley was going to have a little sister and I even cried a little (just a tad bit hormonal) they were tears of joy of course.
I had my 18 week appointment right after the ultrasound and got to talk about my latest problem. It's not so much my problem rather that the ticks around here think I am the tastiest piece of white meat they've ever seen. Wesley and I have been spending a lot of time outside enjoying the beautiful weather and once I come inside I, inevitably, find at least one tick on me. This has happened the last three days. YUCK! I really hate ticks. It happens to be one of the downsides to living in the country. City folk don't seem to have this problem. Of the three ticks, two have been attached to me. So now I have to monitor the bites and make sure they don't start looking scary. I've already started a little collection of dead ticks in dated zip lock bags in the freezer. You might ask "why do you have ticks in zip lock bags in your freezer?" Well, you are supposed to keep the ticks that you find attached to your body so that if the bite starts to look bad you can take your little tick friend in to be tested for lyme disease. Luckily they all seem to be little teeny tiny baby dog ticks, not usually the carriers for lyme disease.
Anyways, just thought I'd share our good news. Gosh I'm going to have to start thinking of a new name for the blog eh? Guess I have a few months.
Hope everyone has a great rest of the week, I know I am!
1 comment:
Funny you mentioned needing a new name for the blog! I was going to bring that up. You do have a bit of time, I guess. And of course you'll be the lucky recipient of millions of little onesies and anything else our little bambino grows out of!
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