Sunday, March 30, 2008

Little peeing house guests

This weekend was a wet, rainy weekend so we all spent time indoors. Wesley loves standing, no interest in moving those feet just likes to stand and hold onto furniture. He's been getting extra attention from our new house guests. My parents went to Germany for two weeks so we are watching their two dogs for them while they are away. We have a grand total of five dogs in the house with us and since it's raining out we also have 20 little paws tacking mud all over the place. To add to that they are two little boy dogs that have spent the entire weekend marking everything in sight. All weekend I've been yelling obscenities and cleaning up pee. It's going to be a wonderfully pleasant next two weeks....hmmmm actually less than two weeks now..........only 13 days, 18 hours and 43 minutes until they leave. I will add a ticker to the top of the blog to countdown the days until I can do the dance of joy as they go home.

I was doing some surfing on the web last night after Wesley went to bed and ran across the most adorable little thing you could ever imagine. I was unaware they made little tiny suits for infants and toddlers. This tiny little suit comes with a white dress shirt, vest, tie, jacket and dress slacks. All this for $16.99 on eBay, brand new. How do they make that for $16.99? They come in black, blue, white and khaki. I am so getting one for Wesley to wear to my sister's wedding in May. Way too cute.

Here are some other cute pictures from this weekend:

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