After weeks of refusing to sleep in his crib for a nap....I have achieved victory! Wesley is sleeping in his crib as I type. It is wonderful. Every time his head hit the mattress in the crib he would scream like crazy so I would just pick him up put him in his stroller and go for a walk. He'd sleep, life is good. Well I knew this would work until our first rainy day. Today it poured. So today I put him in his crib at nap time, he screamed, I sang to him, he screamed even louder, I sang even louder....then he passed out after 8 minutes of this. Victory is mine. I've decided it is so hard to not nurse a child to sleep.

In the eating department Wesley is moving on up the food chain. He's been trying chicken for almost a week now. Seems to like it alright. He tried some noodles today, yum yum. Still can't figure out how to feed himself but I assume that will happen in its own time. I find myself eating his baby food more and more often. When I get into the freezer to get a few cubes of frozen applesauce or sweet potato for Wesley I also grab a few for me. Homemade applesauce is so good. I roasted butternut squash last week for the first time. I'm learning how to cook up all sorts of stuff for Wesley that I've never made before. Quite a learning experience.
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