This is a big hole in the ground that was once our pool. Sean has been working on it almost every evening when he gets home from work and every weekend. He's such a hard worker. He started by removing the giant wrap around deck, then removing the pool liner. Then he jack hammered all the concrete decking around the pool and threw those concrete chunks into the deep end of the pool. Here he is standing in the deep end that is full of broken up concrete.

It literally looks like a tornado went through our back yard. It makes me want to cry looking out there, but there is the hope of it being done one day. It has to be the most kid unfriendly yard ever. There is rusty sharp metal chunks lying around, with rebar chunks coming out of the ground. Don't forget the rusty screws and glass (who knows where it came from). If all goes well Wesley won't even know there was once a pool in our backyard. Here it was last fall as Sean was emptying it for the final time and had started taking the deck apart. Farewell pool, you will be missed....maybe.

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