We are venturing into the land of finger foods. Wesley can pick the food up off his high chair tray but won't put it in his mouth. He's quite content to have me place the food in his open mouth though. He loves the little Gerber Banana puffs, noodles and little chunks of banana. This weekend I'm going to cook up some little pieces of carrots, potato, chicken and noodles in veggie stock and see if he'll eat that. We've mastered every fruit and veggie puree I can think of. He likes everything....even the previously putrid green beans he'll happily swallow down now. At almost nine months his daily menu is: at breakfast he'll have three freezer cubes of applesauce with half a banana and oatmeal all thrown in the little blender, lunch is a cube of sweet tators, applesauce, butternut squash, other half of banana all blended, dinner is a jar of chicken or turkey stew, veggie and container of pears if still hungry. I'm hoping by 11 months he's eating whatever we're eating. We'll be holding off on strawberries (berries in general), egg, citrus, tomatoes, cow milk, peanuts and honey until he's one year old. It's a lot of fun introducing him to the glorious wide world of food.

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