Here I find myself writing on the 12th of yet another month. Wesley's first year is speeding by, I can't believe how fast it's going. I have come to the realization, after eight months, that my life revolves around this child's eating and sleeping habits. Pooping comes in a close third. I realized this quickly when he was born but thought I would be old hand at it by this late in the game. Oh no, I don't think it ever goes away....it just changes.
I've discovered that I don't know how to put this child to bed without nursing him to sleep. That is what I've been doing for almost eight months and now he's decided to change it up on me. For the past two weeks I've tried nursing him, rocking him, walking him around, pretty much anything I can think of minus putting him in the car seat and driving around to get him to sleep. I'm at my wits end. Last night he and I were sitting on the couch watching the late show because he wouldn't go to sleep. At 11:45 I said "ENOUGH" and into the crib he went.....tears streaming, red faced he cried and cried and cried and finally passed out while I was in the shower (hey I can't hear him in there so he must not be crying, the old ostrich head in the sand theory). There must just be something in the air because I don't know what's going on. Maybe he's getting ready to do something...like cut a tooth or crawl or something.
Eating has had an overhaul as well. The child who would so lovingly cuddle up to me and nurse is now a squirmy, whiny child that wants little to do with the oobies. Which is fine, I know he would grow out of this phase (thank goodness), but I know he still needs most of his nutrition from the breast milk so it is important he nurses. With the solids comes a whole new set of worries. Is he getting the nutrients he needs in addition to boobie juice? Is he ready for finger foods? Who knows! We've just started giving him little banana puffs and he seems to like them. He will open up wide for me to place in his mouth, doesn't know how to place it in there himself. We're working on it though.
His buddy Alex came over yesterday. Alex is almost exactly 9 months older than Wesley and it's great seeing the differences in size in the beginning are quickly evening out.

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