Saturday, July 4, 2009


There seems to be a growing trend lately. With summer brings summer trips and Wesley and I have become the pet sitters for family and friends. We are thrilled to do it too since there are numerous times that we are in need of pet sitters. My parents are building a cabin in Colorado and have been gone a considerable amount over the past two years. They are in the final stretch with the cabin and went out there this past week to paint interior walls. While they are gone Wesley and I have been going over to their house every other day to feed their two kitties and water the flowers. Poor Wesley doesn't understand that Noni and Papa are gone and so every other day he runs from the van to their front door, waits impatiently for me to unlock the door and then runs around their house yelling "Noni Papa!?" while looking for them. It's kind of sad. He's never let down too long before finding something interesting to play with. I've been working with him all week and now when we get to their house instead of ripping through the house looking for them, he enters and says "Noni & Papa in Lorado". Can't seem to say Colorado (it's a tough one) so he calls it "Lorado". I'm sure he has no idea what this means, but it's still cute. I give him two years and he'll know exactly what Colorado is, and probably be begging to go back out there.

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