Whale watchers of America unite! Holy cow do I feel HUGE. I have 10 weeks left (or 70 days) of this pregnancy and naturally they happen to be in the hottest part of the entire year....great planning eh? It is going well though. She's officially dropped. When I sit at the computer I feel like I'm holding a watermelon in my lap. She's literally sitting on my thighs now. Her kicks are becoming much more "Kung Fu Fighter" like. Only a few have been painful, the kind where you cringe until they end. At my appointment last week the doctor measured my belly and said she's measuring a week ahead. So here's hoping she makes her entrance into the world around the middle of September rather than the 25th.
I've purchased the last of the needed baby items this week including a breast pump. I squeaked my way through breastfeeding Wesley for 10 months by borrowing two different people's breast pumps (thank you Jessica and Becca!) and decided this time to not be such a cheap skate and buy my own. So a nice new Medela Pump in Style is on its way to my front porch and I couldn't be more thrilled. It seems strange that something so trivial as a pump could make me giddy. Oh well. I also ordered some Dr. Browns glass bottles off of Amazon. I did the whole Playtex Nursers with Wesley and got so sick and tired of buying liners that just got thrown into a landfill. It was so wasteful. It also seemed expensive buying liners every time I had to buy formula there for those two months he was strictly on formula. So this time we are going the glass bottle route and I hope it pays off. That's about all that is happening lately.
Gorgeous belly! We, too, used the Medela pump (though it's gathering dust now) and the Dr. Brown's bottles. I love them - though one bit of advice is to buy them all the same size - there's nothing worse than trying to figure out which apparatus fits in which bottle in the middle of the night (we have half-glass and half-plastic and the plastic ones are taller).
Seriously - you look beautiful. Hope you are feeling great.
Thanks so much Stacy! The advice about the bottles is appreciated as well. I read on the box that the glass bottles and the plastic bottles can't be interchanged. Seeing as I don't have any plastic I should be ok. But your saying the 3.5 oz and the larger 7 oz can't be interchanged? Good to know. Thanks!
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