The hot days of summer are officially upon us. Wesley and I are entering the "what-the-heck-are-we-going-to-do-all-summer" part of the year. Yesterday I decided we needed to get out and do something new so Jessica and her gang and Wesley and I went to the local elementary schools playground to play and have lunch. This school was built just a couple of years ago and has an awesome playground. The ground cover was particularly interesting. It was made up of at least a foot and a half of recycled rubber tires. You bounced as you walked. I imagine there are few injuries associated with falls out at this playground. It's a far cry from the hard asphalt we got as kids. There is a side for little ones and a side for the bigger kids. Wesley was still too small to really enjoy all it had to offer but I think another year, a few more inches and a load of confidence will put him right in line to enjoy it.
He'd get himself to the top but still undecided whether he wanted to actually go down the slide.
Never mind all the slides and ladders, he just wanted to climb the stairs.
I felt bad about posting that picture of you Jessica so I removed it. Sorry.
uhhh...okay...i told you not to feel bad. It was funny. You worry too much. I think you should put it back up. but its your blog.
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