Monday, July 13, 2009

2 Year Stats

We went into the pediatricians office today for Wesley's two year well baby visit. We got to meet his new pediatrician. Last fall we switched doctors but we haven't been in since to actually meet him. Turns out it was a good switch and we're happy with our choice. He's somewhat open to working with me on a delayed vaccine schedule which makes me happy since there will be a new baby to bring in soon. I'm glad I don't have to worry about what I'm going to do with the vaccine situation on this new baby. It's one less thing for me to worry about. That was a huge source of unease with the first baby.

Wesley got to be weighed and measured on the big kid scale instead of the baby scale. He was sure happy to stand up on that scale. I wish I had my camera since he decided he needed to wear his cowboy boots after being weighed, so he was butt naked with only a diaper and cowboy boots on. What a look! He's doing good with his percentages, weight is 28.2 pounds which puts him in the 53% for weight, height is 35 inches which is the 63% and head circ. is 49.5 which is the 68%. It's nice to see his body finally catch up with his giant head. I can officially switch him to 2% milk now. I asked, since I feel he's on the skinny side, if I should keep him on whole milk for the added fat and calories and the doc said that studies done on young children that passed away in car accidents already showed plaque and build up on walls of the heart and arteries. He said it's good to get kids off of high fat foods earlier these days. I found that interesting.
Overall a good visit and we're happy with how our little man is growing.


Stacy said...

What's the scoop on vaccines that I should know?

The Menagerie Momma said...

I found a delayed schedule that allowed him to get all the needed shots but spread out, so he only got one or two at a time. We did have to go in to the drs more often (every 4-6 weeks) but I felt a lot better. On the normal schedule they get between 6-8 vaccines at each well baby visit, I felt that was too much for a 2 month old. It was just a personal decision.