Thursday, June 18, 2009

STB (Strange Toddler Behavior)

Wesley and I stayed inside yesterday for a change because of the almost 100 degree weather. I forgot how much it sucks to stay inside all day with a restless toddler. I decided to let him "help" me with the laundry again since I know how much he enjoys it. His new thing is to take all the washcloths out of a load of laundry and pile them up. He then will take all of Dads underwear and pile them on top of the washcloths. Then he picks up this pile and carries it around with him all day. I mean he didn't let this pile of clothes out of his sight. I tried to take some of it away (ie dads underwear) and he had a complete melt down. So this pile of laundry made it with him to the end of the day. He added all of his four pairs of footed summer jammies to it as well and proceeded to throw it all into his crib before he went to bed last night. I went in to check on him before I went to bed and he was curled up sleeping on this rather large pile of clothes. Strange but rather cute.


Stacy said...

Hey - just noticed 99 days and counting! We're already growing out of our newborn clothes so you can expect a box before too long.

The Menagerie Momma said...

Wow, I didn't even notice it was down to 99 days! Yea! Berkley sure is growing, you're doing a great job. Any clothes would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

Little Man's blog said...

That's funny. Young people and old people are so similar. In the Alzheimer unit they'll give patients big boxes of washcloths to fold over and over. It's soothing somehow...