Wesley's second birthday is in about a month and I've been brainstorming lately concerning it. I can already tell that the second birthday is going to be much more enjoyable for the kid than the first. We've already been talking about it and hyping it to try and get him excited. This past week I ordered his birthday present online. I should probably give you some background information so it doesn't seem weird. Wesley's new obsession is the wild wild west. We have an Elmo's World that centers around the wild west and cowboys and the kid loves it. No, that's an understatement. He's crazy about it. He sings the Wild Wild West song all the time. We all sing the Wild Wild West song at the dinner table. In fact I sing it in the shower. You get the idea. So when he watches this particular DVD he sits on the couch with his cowboy hat on (excuse me, his
wild wild west hat). I figured the kid needed some cowboy boots to complete the ensemble. So I ordered these precious little gems.

They are tiny little leather size 8 toddler boots. Of course I went on eBay first to try and find some used ones since he'll grow out of them in 2.4 seconds but even the used ones were going for $15 plus shipping. I figured ten more bucks and I can get new ones. The kid is going to freak out. I can't wait for him to open them up on his birthday.

This naturally lead me to start thinking about what theme I want to do his birthday in and, duh, it's gotta be a cowboy theme! Who knew there were all sorts of wild west themed birthday stuff for kids? Well, there are. I know he's young and this will probably be lost on him but it sure gives me something fun to plan. The only other kids that will be there are Jessica's two (which are his best buds anyways) so I thought I'd make some cute cowboy vests with bandanas and straw cowboy hats for them to run around in. I'll do a cowboy cake and get some cute plates and we'll have a yee haw good time.
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