There is very little to write about lately. Nothing happening here. Sean has taken off for a gun show this weekend so I am a single mom for two days. I forget how much help Sean is until he's gone. It's so hard to get my nightly chores done with Wesley tagging along. At least the weather is warming up. We are enjoying our daily walks with the stroller. That seems to be the only way (still) to get the little man to take his afternoon nap. He thinks the crib is only for night time sleeping. I don't let it get to me anymore, I figure as long as he gets the much needed sleep I don't really care where he sleeps. At least three times a week I load him in the car and we go driving until he's a asleep and then I park the car in the nearest parking lot and I read. I'm reading Harry Potter again, the sixth book. I'm anxious to read the last book again as it came out 9 days after Wesley was born and that time was just a blur so I don't really remember the book. Anyways, the naps in the car are working so we'll continue to do them....even though with the gas prices the way they are it is an expensive nap.
That's all for now.

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