Thursday, April 10, 2008

Crappy dogs

Ok, the countdown timer says 3 days and 20 hours until the crappy little pee pee dogs go home but that's not fast enough. I'm loosing what small amount of sanity I have left this evening. Here I am sitting awake at 3:42 am with thunder, lightning, hard rain and a psycho dachshund. My mother said this little dog might get upset during storms....yeah that's an understatement. The dog completely looses it. Barks, whines, drools, urinates and pants when the weather does anything remotely different. Of course every night since they have left it has rained and thundered. Don't you just love spring? It freakin' rains every day. So every night I drag my butt out of bed and give the dog one of his anti-anxiety pills which knocks him out. I'm down to two pills left. Please let me have enough.

I shouldn't lump the other dog into the "crappy dogs" title. Dieter is a miniature schnauzer that gets along with everyone, sleeps through storms, doesn't try and eat our other dogs and is an all around joy to have come visit. He is welcome back whenever he wants. Ok, I'm done venting...the medicine has successfully knocked out the dog and I'm going back to bed. This has been the longest two weeks of my life I believe.

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