Nine months have passed since you came into this world. You have officially been on this earth longer than you were in my belly. That's a big milestone. You are getting bigger by the day. Learning new things constantly. I feel like I'm helplessly watching you grow. I want you to grow big and strong but I also want you to stay small and be my baby just a little bit longer. You are feeding yourself now. Just learned that this week. You are loosing interest in nursing. I feel the days of breastfeeding are drawing to an end. My milk supply is dwindling. I am pumping several times a day to try in vein to get it back, but so far very little change. I suppose you are just growing up and don't need the comfort or security of our nursing sessions. I'll miss it when it's done. Just one more step on your road to being a self sufficient little boy. Happy nine month mark little man!
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