Miss Greta turns five months old today!
I'm happy to report that Greta is officially weaned out of the swaddling blanket. After the doctors appointment I felt it was time to release her from her "baby straight jacket". I was so afraid that she'd somehow not sleep well without it but she did fine the first night. Never used it again after that. I think her being dependent on it was all in my head.
This month she also decided that sleeping rocks! Something clicked and she'll now go long stretches of the night without waking. Usually she gets up once or twice in a 12 hour span. I'm totally fine with once or twice. It's usually 2 am and 7 am and then she sleeps until 11 am. It's so nice to get some sleep again. I feel like a whole new person.
She's sitting up now, with support of course. She'll even put her little hands out between he chubby thighs and form a little "tripod". She's just growing so fast, it's crazy!
She officially rolled over this past week on Tuesday from belly to back. She's rolled several more times since then. It seems like she's really trying for back to belly as well but it's much harder for her.
I'm excited to start her on solids in the next couple of weeks. Rice cereal to start and I hope by the time she's six months old we'll be starting veggies. I'm really looking forward to starting the baby food again. It will be nice for her to sit with us at dinner time and eat as well.

Greta is adorable. She's changing so fast.
She's so pretty!
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