The kid sure has a set of eyes on her. When she unleashes the full power of those beauties you better watch out! I got her in today for her four month well baby visit. She's growing well.
Weight: 14lbs 12oz (66%)
Height: 25 1/4in (77%)
Head: 42 3/4cm (88%)
I asked about still swaddling her at night and the nurse practitioner (it was the Doctors day off) gave me the shrug, saying it was still ok to do but I could tell she had her own options about it. I've been telling myself it's time to break the habit of swaddling her at night but every time I attempt it she sleeps for about an hour then wakes up. She'll do this all night long. She's just so used to being swaddled. I guess I'll just have to do it one night cold turkey and just plan to be up all night. Gee, looking forward to that night.

Very sweet~
Too cute! Berkley hated being swaddled after about the first week. She just loved having her arms free. I did think she woke up more often at first - but she grew out of that.
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