She's doing great in the sleeping department as well. The move into her room has been very successful and I'm happy to say that she has the ability to sleep 4-5 hours in a row now. I say "the ability" because she can do it but doesn't all the time. Maybe 2 or 3 days out of the week she'll sleep well, the other four days she'll still get up every 3 hours. The important thing is that she's progressively getting better and is learning how to put herself back to sleep. Nothing has been done on her room yet. It looks like it did several weeks ago when we moved Wesley out of it, just now it has her crib and her dresser in it. I feel bad but I have absolutely no time to paint it. I'm also not too thrilled about all the fumes that come with painting. At least if it was spring I could open a window or something. As it is, she'll have to sleep in the room right after I paint it. That's not cool. So, the room will just remain like it is until the first nice spring day when I can pop a window open and paint away. It's not like she cares.
Wesley is turning into a big kid before our eyes. He always wants to do whatever Daddy is doing. Last weekend Sean had to fix the broken walk-through baby gate so Wesley sat next to him and pretended to do whatever Dad did. Sean even gave him a cordless power drill and Wesley was in heaven just drilling everything he saw. He's also quite the helper, retrieving different tools as they are needed. We think he'll be a good helper with the new tile removal project. Sean is chipping it out by hand (even though I think a light duty jack hammer would be far easier) and Wesley is already wanting to "help".

I thought I'd add a few more random pictures from last week while I'm posting pictures.

1 comment:
I love the pictures, Mandy. They just make me miss you all the more...if that's possible!
Have you checked into some of the new paint...eco-friendly, low odor...
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