Happy sixteen months today little man! You are still battling a cold and it sure is making you a fussy kid. You absolutely hate having your nose wiped but, surprisingly enough, love to have your nose sucked out with the bulb syringe. The humidifier in your room last night enabled you to sleep through the night without waking up, let's hope for a repeat tonight.
At sixteen months old you are keeping your old Mom and Dad on their toes. Always getting into everything possible and constantly making us say "where on earth did you find that?!". Luckily you seem to be over the "put everything in your mouth" stage. Although you relapsed slightly this evening with crayons. But they are, after all, tasty morsels of colored wax. Yum!
You have a infinite love of books, which I'm thankful for. At least 19 times a day you come up to me with a book (often the same book all 19 times) and deposit it in my lap and precede to whine until I read it to you. Your newest interest is in the picture board books. The ones with just normal everyday pictures of objects in them. You will sit quietly by yourself and point to random objects on each page reciting what that object is in your own "toddler language". Even though ducky and doggie seem to be the same word I, as your mother and secret language decipher, can figure out the small difference in the tone of your voice.

Little man, you crack me up on a daily basis. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't laugh hysterically at something you do. You never fail to entertain. Looking forward to the next sixteen months you crazy kid!
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