It was yet another work weekend. It seems once good weather hits it becomes a race to see how much we can accomplish before winter arrives (or the baby comes in this case). Unfortunately summer seems to be racing in quickly which will slow us down in our outdoor endeavors. It's already in the mid 90's here, although it's not consistently that hot just yet. Sean has been outside all weekend playing with his new "man toy". Last week he bought a chipper/shredder to chip up all the piles of tree limbs that have accumulated over the years. Last spring he took the chainsaw out into the walnut grove, which consists of over 200+ trees, and went to town trimming the lower branches. We had no idea of how many limbs we would be left with after he got done. There are about 15 piles throughout the grove that have been there for a year now. We just had no idea what to do with them. We finally decided on buying a chipper and one happened to be for sale on craigslist last week that was the right size for the job. It's amazing how fast this machine will gobble down these large limbs. I think Sean's kind of enjoying himself out there, even if it is hot, dirty work. Don't ask me what we plan to do with the growing pile of wood chips, we haven't a clue.

I spent yesterday outside cleaning, disinfecting, sanding and painting Nachos new palace. The old rabbit hutch was pretty sad looking and not at all stable on its legs. Sean helped me brace it up and I took a hand sander to the old paint. After two coats of new house paint the hutch looks really good. It got moved to its new location which is right under a nice shade tree and in the fenced in backyard to protect poor Nacho from dogs. I took Nacho out there this morning and showed her her new house (yep, naturally Nacho is a girl. I wanted a boy bunny ended up with a girl bunny. Let's just say boy and girl bunny parts look very similar). She seems happy out there. A couple of times a week we'll bring Nacho inside to play and get a break from the heat.
Bunny hutch before makeover, pretty sad eh?
Bunny hutch after makeover, with a fresh coat of paint, new leg bracing and a good old fashioned cleaning job. We're even thinking about replacing the shingles.
Nacho enjoying her new digs
Wesley has become much more independent lately. He likes to run around outside by himself, I'm outside with him but he keeps himself fairly well entertained. It's a nice change. It allows me to be able to accomplish tasks again, something I usually only am able to do during nap time. Yesterday I was able to start scraping the old paint on the back of the house in preparation for painting next weekend. I had my wire brush and Wesley had his hairbrush and was helping me scrape. He's a very helpful kid. :) Hope everyone had a nice weekend!

Aww...Nacho seems to be much luckier than Pickle. A hutch may not be in poor Pickles' future. Perhaps she can enjoy the luxury of Nacho's some days.
That bottom picture of Wesley reminds me so much of Dad...
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