#1. Cecil, the leopard tortoise, has moved to his outside pen during the nice sunny days. He normally lives upstairs in a spare bedroom during the colder months. I refer to his cage up there as a "coffin" for no other reason than it looks like an old time wooden coffin. Something out of a old western movie. It's open topped and he's got plenty of room to move. Pretty much he just lies about under his basking lamp and eats. What a life. He does enjoy the warm months and being able to go out and gorge himself on dandelion and cover.

#2. The water iris in the koi pond are in full bloom. They are such a beautiful flower. The two clumps that I planted two years ago have tripled in size and are starting to skirt their way around the pond. I figure at some point I'll have to dig some out and give them away so they don't take over.

#3. Today at the park Wesley and I saw so many baby ducklings. I've got to say there isn't anything much cuter than a baby duck. I didn't get any pictures since I was just staring at their cuteness and plotting a way to get a couple of baby ducks for our property.

#4. The cockatiels are laying eggs like crazy. I'm removing an egg about every other day now from their food dish. I learned my lesson on NOT removing the eggs. Four years ago I decided to just let my pair of lutino cockatiels lay a clutch of eggs and sit on them. I put a nesting box in there and she laid six eggs. Luckily since they were first time parents only one hatched. Anyone who knows me knows I can't get rid of animals, so it was a blessing that only one hatched.
#5. I'll be nice and not post a picture of the last obvious sign that spring has sprung. My two goats are in love with each other and every spring they show it. Mind you that they are both fixed male goats. I know I could do without their constant show of affection. Darn horny goats.
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