Thursday, May 7, 2009

Toddler antics

I love this kid. He is such a hoot sometimes. Every other week I go into the grocery store and do our big two week shopping spree. Wesley spends this time in the grocery cart saying "Hi" to everyone that passes by. It's not a timid little "hi", it's a booming, toddler voice "HI!" I'd say about 80% of the people say Hi back. Most laugh and ask him how he is. The older people are always the nicest. There are always a few that don't know how to respond and just walk away. Today at the checkout lane Wesley yelled HI to the cashier, he said Hi back. Then Wesley would look around for someone else to talk to...find no one and go back to greeting the cashier again. He did this at least eight times. The cashier, poor guy, didn't know what to do at that point. He certainly sped up the check out process, I could tell he was thinking "crazy kid". Then on the way out of the store he yelled "BYE!" to anyone in hearing distance (possibly the whole store). I even heard one guy two isles over yell "BYE". It was a funny day at the store.

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