He's also saying "Bye bye doggie" when we leave the house and "We're home kitties!" when we drive into the driveway coming home. The latter phrase was one that my Mom would always say when I was a kid when we would come home from a long trip. I always say it now when we get home from going anywhere.

We are slowly introducing Wesley to the potty. He got a little Baby Bjorn potty seat last Christmas that has been sitting in his bathroom unused. He likes to go in there and sit on it, fully clothed, while I go the bathroom. He'll even hand out magazines while we sit. He gets real excited when I ask him if he wants to go sit on his potty. We do this several times a day. I figure one day soon we'll start taking his pants of and let him sit on his potty while I potty so he gets used to that. I'm really in no rush for the potty training, I figure he'll let me know when it's time. We have several potty DVD's that he likes to watch, Potty Power and Once Upon a Potty. He's getting there slowly.

1 comment:
Cool signature. Might have to steal that, too. Bed-head Wesley is adorable.
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