Anyways, back to my puppy dreams. I go back and forth on this subject almost daily. I mean why would I want to bring a puppy into this house when I know fully well what puppies do. Puppies pee and poop everywhere, they eat anything and everything (including Wesley's prized toys) and they stink. I've always thought puppies stink, is it just me that thinks this? But then I think, oh puppies are cute....they grow fast, it would be a welcome addition to our family.
And then I get to talking with people (I shall not name names) that once the subject of a puppy is broached immediately say "Oh why don't you just have another baby?". This was funny the first time I heard it, but after the seventh person said it it started waring on me. It was hard. I couldn't tell these people that we are indeed trying and nothing seems to be happening. I want to scream it from the roof tops that for six long months we have been trying with no results. But I kept my mouth shut. You see, I decided if I wasn't having any luck getting pregnant then by God I was going to get a puppy. That I could control.
Early January came and I was stuck between wanting another golden retriever puppy or getting a miniature schnauzer puppy when....
.....much to my surprise......
....this happened......

Yeah, you saw that one coming a mile away didn't you? That's me trying to be all dramatic. We are so grateful and ecstatic that it happened. I know looking back that six months of trying is nothing, especially when some people try for years. It was just totally different than what we went through with Wesley (Mister one month wonder child).
I'm so excited Wesley is going to be a big bro! He'll have so much fun with a sibling.
Our little Skittle is 12 weeks old and due Sept. 25th.
Needless to say but there are absolutely no puppy plans in our near future.

1 comment:
Love the ept picture - I wish I'd taken one of my ept stick! You are such a good blogger.
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