My next appointment at 18 weeks will be the ultrasound and hopefully we'll get to see the sex of the new baby. I'm excited. It will be the end of April. My intuition tells me its going to be a boy but who knows. I went back and looked at Wesley's heartbeat for the 14 week appointment and it was 178. There are old wives tales about heartbeat and gender and according to them this new one is a girl. Both the 8 week and 14 week bpm were 150 and 154. I really don't have a preference for the gender as long as he or she is healthy, that's all we ask. That's all that's new around here.

My advice? Don't tell Mom the gender. She's a little too 12th-century about her preferred names...
I concur with Nate. Any woman that would suggest "Vera" is totally out of touch with modern-day society.
LOL, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the advice.
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