We just got back from Wesley's 15 month well baby appointment. It went so well. Usually I would have met with our pediatrician that we call Dr. TalkingHead. If you can't tell, we don't much care for Dr. TalkingHead. Dr. T loves to hear himself talk, and for the most part I don't think he knows what he's talking about. He talks and talks and I leave the office not much more informed then when I entered. Well, TODAY we met with a nurse practitioner (whom I love) and I felt comfortable enough with her to tell her than I don't care for Dr. T. She said I should transfer to another pediatrician and told me how. Interestingly enough Dr. T is the only doc ever accepting new outside patients, so obviously not many people like him. Poor Dr. T. So on the way out of the office I transfered doctors. Yippie! So now we will be going to a nice older pediatrician that is very helpful and will answer my questions fully. I'm thrilled.
So anyways, back to the appointment today. Wesley is meeting all his milestones. The nurse practitioner asked how many words he says and we counted 12 (almost all of them he repeated after I said them aloud). That's average she said. I asked about these little pimples he has on his cheeks, upper arms and the tops of his thighs and she said they are called Keratosis Pilaris and they will be with him throughout his life. I thought it had to do with the detergent I was using or something along those lines but she said is was genetic and nothing to worry about. Poor kid is gonna have sand paper arms for the rest of his life. He weighed in at 25 lbs 2 oz which puts him in the 61% for weight. He is 31 inches tall which places him in the 40% for height. And once again he has a giant 49 cm head, 93% for head circumference.
It was a good appointment, I am so excited to never have to see Dr. TalkingHead ever again.
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