What the video fails to show is that when he slammed the door, he also locked it. You can kind of hear me swearing at the end of the video. Yea, not good. So I grabbed a phone and called hubby to see how I can get the door unlocked. He informed me that the last time a door got accidentally locked (upstairs two years ago) it took him 20 minutes and a piece of wire to get it unlocked.
I didn't have 20 minutes.
I didn't like my 15 month old locked alone in a bathroom full of fun dangers (toilet, stuff under the sink, etc).
So I grabbed a hammer and preceded to start whacking the living crap out of the door handle. Wesley must have thought at this point Mommy had lost it and was trying to come in and murder him because he started crying hard. It was a cry I'd never heard come out of him (and hope to never hear again). He was scared, poor kid.
I whacked and whacked, with every whack I was becoming more and more upset. Just ask Hubby who was still on the phone with me trying to coach me through my first door destruction. I told him I was going to whack it fifteen more times and then I was going outside to break the bathroom window with a rock.
Luckily the door handle gave in before I did. Here is what remains of the bathroom door handle:

It actually held up better than I could have imagined after being pummeled with a hammer 30+ times. Needless to say we'll be replacing every lockable door handle on the main floor with a new, non locking handle. Very soon. Hey, and this gives me a reason to replace the fugly bronze handles with brushed nickel ones. Ah the silver lining to the story.
Poor Wesley doesn't seem too traumatized by the ordeal. He layed in my lap sobbing and hugging my neck for five minutes but then resumed normal activity (far away from the bathroom I might add).
I hope the kid doesn't grow up with an irrational fear of bathrooms or small spaces...or hammers.
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