First plan: Drive during times of sleepiness. Day one we will not leave until mid evening and then drive well into the night. A sleeping Wesley is not a screaming Wesley.
Second plan: I will be going to the local Dollar Tree and buying 20 one dollar toys and will be giving him one every 46 miles. I will also be stocking the car with every book and kids music CD we own (this is controversial since kids music can drive an adult insane, causing said adult to drive off of a cliff).
Third plan: I am purchasing a portable DVD player off of eBay (they only run $30 for a used 10 inch one, yay!). I will periodically throughout the trip show Elmo's World to try and keep the whining and straining against the restraints to a minimum. But the showing of Elmo's World falls into the above category of cliff diving if listened to for an extended amount of time so it will only be shown in times of utter frustration.
No, seriously I am just kidding here. I think deep down the kid will do great on the trip and will get used to it after awhile (I hope so anyways) so this is all in good fun. I am really looking forward to this trip and seeing family, I just wish I could blink my eyes and be there....not looking forward to the drive, that's all.
Here is our little goofball in the car last weekend. Of course he doesn't have pants on, why would he have pants on? I asked him to grab his feet and this is what he did. No modesty here folks.

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