Sean has been busy putting new siding on the house. When we moved into the house we could tell that some parts of the siding weren't looking too well and that the previous owners knew it and tried to pass it off with a fresh coat of paint. It worked for a few years but now it just can't be put off any longer. He got the side of the garage finished last weekend and it looks beautiful. The key to replacing siding is to paint the back and sides as well as the front to keep it from rotting. The siding that was taken down was not painted on the back or sides and therefore it's not surprising that it was rotten. I wish we were paying someone to put seamless vinyl siding on the house but I'm scared at what it would cost. Oh to have siding that would never have to be would be heaven.
I've been busy sculpting whenever Wesley is sleeping. Custom orders have been picking up and I expect them to continue doing so in preparation for Christmas time. I'm setting limits this year to keep myself from accepting every order and turning into a zombie. Sculpting is still fun and I intend to keep it that way.
Wesley is getting closer and closer to walking. I keep thinking "Will it be this week?" He'll stand up on his own and then sort of stumble towards the nearest object, it's not really first steps but darn near close to it. He has a daily routine that after his nap he gets all cozy in his bean bag chair with his drink and snack to watch Elmo's World. He'll focus on it for about 15 minutes and then he's off checking out other stuff, which is fine with me. I can stand Elmo for about 15 minutes myself.

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