Yep, you read that title correctly. For the past month or so I've been rather obsessed with a certain Facebook game called Farmville. I am SO not the kind of person to become obsessed with a computer game, little own a cheesy farming game with a moving avatar and comical cows. It's slightly embarrassing to even admit this. But I am.
This is all Jessica's fault. She needed a farming neighbor so one day when she was over at my house she set up a quick farm for me so that I could become her neighbor. That was all it took, I started harvesting crops every 12 hours and moving up the levels of the game. If you're not familiar with the game, you have a plot of land and can plant certain crops. Some crops are four hour crops, some are four day crops and then there is everything in between. You come back when they are ready to harvest and by doing so are able to get a bigger farm and buy buildings such as barns and houses along with animals. It's really quite fun and addicting. It's a nice way to relax after the kids have gone to bed.
The funny thing is, is that the game is creeping into my real life. I harvested crop after crop of tomatillos one week and was always curious what a tomatillo was. When I was buying plants at the store last week I ran across some tomatillo plants and had to buy them and add them to the garden just to see what they produce.
As if all of this wasn't sad enough I've saved up my coins and finally purchased myself a dog for my farm. Every day for 14 days I have to come feed my dog at the same time every day or he'll run away. After 14 days he's mine (all mine) and will stay on my farm and run around. I have six days left to feed him and naturally we'll be out of town this weekend, possibly away from a computer. So I will be asking my trusty friend Jessica (who got me into this whole mess, so she owes me) to come feed all of my real animals along with my virtual Farmville dog. (smacking head against the desk) What has my life come down to?
ahh...pathetic isn't it? welcome to the world of crazy obsessions you can't understand. Glad to have you here with me.
You know its bad when your kid is screaming and you're scrambling to finish your virtual life so you can help your child in real life...
PS-Sean, Blake and Dad all get in free on Sunday and they get a free Braut or hotdog. Yipee!
Betz, It's good to hear I'm not the only one! Wesley will be hanging off of me and I'm like "Just a sec dude, I have five more plots to seed." Sad. Great news about the Dads on Fathers Day, that will be fun.....it will be a mad house but still fun.
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