Wednesday, May 5, 2010

No, I do it!

If I had a nickle for every time I've heard that phrase, I'd be rich. Wesley seems to have entered a stage where he must do absolutely everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. It starts when he wakes up. He must take off his jammies and diaper, pick his clothes, go potty and wash his own hands. This is all great other than the fact that it takes him five minutes to take off his PJ's. Not because he can't do it but because he likes to diddle dally. If I try to hurry along the process he goes into melt down, screaming that "HE HAS TO DO IT!". I will be the first to admit that I'm not a patient person so this phase is driving me batty. I've had to just step back and take a deep breath and remind myself that he needs to do all of this by himself, even if it takes twenty minutes to just get out of his room in the morning. It's not just in the morning either. He has to put on his shoes, he has to open the sliding glass door to go outside, he has to water the plants with the watering can, he has to get the mail out of the mailbox, you get the idea. This is all great and all until he tries to do something that he can't do, then he has the biggest melt down ever. I swear the kid is crying half the day. It's been a lesson in patience for me, to say it lightly. Looks like Wesley has entered the "terrible two's" two months before turning three years old. Lucky me!

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