The chicks are finally big enough to see out of the window. The little gals are getting big and they're getting big FAST. I picked up the second batch of my chicks last week, the batch that the feed store messed up. They could only order in groups of five chicks so now we have five Wyandotts and three Araucana chicks in the brooder.

It's amazing how much different in size the first three are from the five I got a week later. I sure am having fun with all the little cheepers. I've named them and have started to handle them daily so they might be somewhat tame. Their names are Poppy, SweetPea, Petunia, Myrtle, Camelia, Willow, Lavender and FlufferNutter. FlufferNutter is a name out of one of Wesley's favorite books, "Skippyjon Jones". Every night FlufferNutter chirps loudly, the only one that makes much of any noise at all. At least once every evening I say "Shut it FlufferNutter!". I fear that she might be a he. There will be no roosters, so lets all hope she's just a loud pullet. Oh and we haven't even started the chicken coop. Doh.

Just thought I'd share how the chicks are doing.
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