The baby chicks are doing wonderfully. They are so quiet! I thought the cheeping would drive me batty but they are really subdued. I clean their brooder every day and I can't smell anything chicky poop related. So far so good. The feed store failed to order my Wyandotts, so they will be arriving tomorrow. The feed store lady said she'd order me five and charge me for three as a way of saying sorry. I just don't need eight chicks (I don't think). Seems to me that would be a lot of eggs if all eight were laying. We'll see. I'm guessing I'll be coming home tomorrow with five chicks.

That's about all that is happening around here. Pretty slow these days. We haven't had many playdates in the past three weeks due to illness and trips. Poor Wesley (and me for that matter) is pretty bored. I've been trying to keep him entertained with projects and we've been outside playing a lot lately but there is only so much I can do with this kid. I'm thinking of signing him up for preschool just so he has some social interaction. Greta is at an age where she's always being held so that severely limits how much hands on time I get with Wesley. Wesley will need to be fully potty trained before we even think about preschool. This seems to be a sticky point, he's not that interested in the whole process. The old saying "you can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink" come to mind when I think about how the potty training process is going. Wesley will stand and potty in the big potty twice a day, morning and night. That's it, that is as far as he'll go. I can ask him throughout the day if he needs to potty and he'll always say NO. I think the next step is to just put him in big boy undies for a day and see how that goes. I just am not super excited about urine all over my rug and couch and floor. I guess that's just part of it though. Yea. That's all for now.

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