Greta is eight months old today. This has been a tough month. I don't know if she's teething or just super sensitive but it has been very trying lately. Sean says she's very "screamy" and I'd have to agree. Everything sets her off....if Wesley jumps off of something and makes a loud noise she screams, if I leave the room for half a second she screams, if the dog looks at her the wrong way she screams. The worst part is the new fear of anyone but Wesley and I. When Sean comes home from work he walks in the house, she looks at him and just screams her fool head off....tears streaming everywhere. It makes me sad that her own Dad sets her off. She does it to anyone and everyone that enters the house...everyone but Wesley and I....oh and Jessica. Maybe it's a female thing I don't quite know. It makes me realize how different two children can be. Wesley had his clingy phase but it was never to this degree. I, literally, walk around with Greta on my hip or in the front pack 90% of the day. If I set her down I have to be within a three foot radius or she goes into complete melt down. She's a very sensitive little girl. I sure hope she grows out of this phase soon as I feel like my back is going to suffer permanent damage from carrying her around.
Other than that, she's a doll! :)

1 comment:
So cute! Berkley is just entering her "separation anxiety" phase. It's flattering and annoying at the same time. Gives a whole new meaning to 20 minute meals! (Hard to cook when you have an ankle biter on your legs!) Also funny - I told Nate we have to mulch next weekend! I think I'm going to have a bunch delivered (since I don't have any old moldy hay bales lying around). He's not happy about it - but he does it anyway. Hugs!
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