Wesley helps out whenever he can outside. He's always our little shadow wanting to hold bolts or help fill up the water containers for the animals.

Over Valentines Day weekend last month my folks brought us dinner of snow crab legs and thus it's started a new tradition in our house. I was at the grocery store yesterday and noticed at the seafood counter that the snow crab legs were on sale ($3.99 a pound!) so I bought three pounds as a treat. Got home, popped them into a pot of boiling water to heat them up and we gorged ourselves. Wesley got to try his first (and definitly not his last) dinner of snow crab. I wasn't sure if he'd like them or not but he surprised us by downing about half a pound. He dipped the chunks in melted butter and asked for more. It was awesome. I'm glad the kid likes the same food we like. Sure makes it easy.

On a side note, I am so proud of our little boy. He pooped on the potty for the first time today. I know, probably over sharing but I'm so excited at the prospect of getting one child potty trained. He said he had to pee pee on the potty so I took him in and he sat there for a good long while, got a big smile on his face and declared that he pee peed. Got up, looked down and was just shocked beyond belief at what was in his little potty. I don't think he had a clue that he pooed. It was a surprise for both of us. Yea Wesley!
Anyways, hope everyone had a nice weekend!
Now where the heck was that tractor when we were re-rocking our driveway?? sheesh. And yay for poop on the potty! One step closer to diaper freedom!
He's growing up - looks so much bigger and more like a little boy. So precious.
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