Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A giant rambling post

Winter is upon us. The high for tomorrow is 18 degrees. 18! I just got back inside from my morning trek out to feed the horses and goat. This is always a treat when the weather is below freezing. Keeping water available for two little horses has become loads easier since I installed the stock tank heater. I used to have to haul buckets of water out there from the house. I haven't had to do that in awhile but found myself doing it this morning. Frozen hoses mean there is no way to get fresh water out there when the tank gets low. Oh well, I suppose it's a decent work out.

On that note I've been working out trying to get this baby weight off for about a month now and I must admit that this tummy blubber is stubborn! You know, the fun stomach fat that hangs over the pants in the front? Yuck! I know, I know it's only been two months since I had Greta but it doesn't seem to be going anywhere. The weight is slowly going down, I've got 14 pounds to loose before getting back to my pre pregnancy weight. I'm just anxious to get back down there so that I have clothes to wear again. My wardrobe is calling to me and I can't button any of the pants. Uggg. Nine months on, nine months off right? I'm too impatient for that motto. Dieting while breastfeeding can be a tricky thing, you don't want to mess with that valuable milk supply. My solution is to try a high protein, low sugar meal plan (see I didn't say diet) and try and boost the old metabolism. It's a horrible time of the year to try this, what with it being the Holidays and all, but the fat needs to go bye bye. It's worth a try!

I'm happy to say that the large majority of my Christmas shopping is finished and I'm just waiting for it all to be delivered. For someone with a tiny baby and a two year old, the internet is a Godsend. There is no way I'm hauling those babies all over town to shop so Amazon and eBay have been my shopping sources. I did get out last weekend to pick up gift certificates and took Greta with me. It was downright crazy. Traffic jams in the parking lots, long lines in the stores, people hacking up a lung right behind ya. It totally sucked. I ended up breastfeeding Greta in the van while trying to hype myself up to go into yet another store. Just know that if you get a gift certificate from us that it took a whole lot of misery to get it. :)

Yeah this is just a rambling pose I know. While I was out on Saturday I stopped at the local Tractor Supply and bought a generator. We are officially generator owners now. Yippie! If you have read this blog in the past you will know that every winter (and I mean every winter) we are stuck without electricity for some length of time. We live in the black pit of hell when it comes to reliable electricity. It goes out throughout the year but winter is when it gets dangerous. Now that we have a newborn in the house we decided we can't risk another winter without a generator. The unit isn't a big one like we were hoping to get but it will run the refrigerator, a couple of space heaters, a lamp and the aquarium heater. Enough to keep us going for a couple of days if the need arises. I'm hoping the thing just sits out in the shop and accumulates dust and never needs to be used but it is nice having the peace of mind that it's there if we need it.
Anyways, that's all that is happening around here, sorry for the rambling...it's so rare that I can sit at the computer and write while both kids are sleeping.

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