Thursday, November 19, 2009

Making the rounds

Around the couch that is. This baby is what is known as a "motion" baby. She is happiest when she is on the move. Whether that is in your arms, in her swing or in the front pack. Lately it's been the front pack that is successful at lulling her to sleep. She just graduated into riding front face out in the Baby Bjorn since she's now two whole months old.

I'd say on a normal day I walk five miles with her sleeping in the front pack. Round and round the couch in the living room during Wesley's nap. If I stop she wakes up, and she needs these naps or living with her in the evenings is not pleasant. I get quite a bit done during my daily rounds. Folding clothes, balancing the checkbook, cooking dinner and just this past week I started sculpting again, all while walking a sleeping baby around. It's exhausting but, hey, at least I'm getting some exercise right?

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