We have a severe case of cabin fever and it's growing worse by the day. I do believe this is the longest winter I have ever experienced in my life. Will someone please make it stop? I need green things, like flowers and trees. Hell, I'll even take weeds. Just give me Spring. Please.
I think even the miniature horses are getting sick of Winter and sick of their smaller pen. I went out to feed this past weekend and Desi bit me. You're probably thinking "What, her crappy little mini horse bit her? What's new there?" Well, the difference is that Desi is the nice one. Rocky is the little demon spawn from Hell, whereas Desi is the nice older soul I purchased to "teach" young Rocky the ways of the world. This obviously backfired on me and now the young demon spawn is teaching the nice older horse how to bite. Ugggg, I give up. I'm doing something wrong with these animals and I haven't a clue what. I do know this little experience with mini's has curtailed any wanting of a full sized riding horse. Ever. If I can't control a 300 pound miniature horse what hope would I have with a 1500 pound horse. No thanks.
But, while we are talking about animals I am thinking about getting chicks. I went to my local feed store and on the door was a notice that "chick day" was coming up in April. I guess you just look over this huge list of available chicks and order them and they show up in April. I'd have two months to construct a pen and chicken house. It is tempting although Sean is thinking we have way too much going on around here to fit in chicks. I know he's right, but oh how I'd love some fresh eggs. I had chickens and ducks growing up and of all the animals I've ever owner (and that's a whole lot) I'd have to say chickens were right up there near the top. Very personable, hardy little animals. Oh decisions decisions. Maybe next spring would be wiser.
Hope everyone is having a nice week!
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