Well, it's been three months and this is what we have: Exhibit A & B

The hair sticks straight up, all the time. I can try and plaster it down with water and spit and it still manages to stand up. The pictures truly don't do his hair justice. He was really pulling off the redneck look so I caved in today. I got the buzzers out and went to town. He hadn't seen the buzzers in so long that he was petrified during the whole ordeal, screaming and thrashing around. It's a godsend I didn't take him to the barbers like I was planning. It would have been a traumatic experience for all involved. He looks so much better after the new hair cut. I think I cut off three inches of hair. I just have to accept he'll never be one of those boys with the cute longer hair (I'm actually ok with this, the girly haired boys just don't look right). Here are the after pictures, doesn't he look like a little man now?

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