He followed his Dad around as he was wheeling concrete bags around. It was too cute of a picture to pass up. His little "mini me".

Wesley even tried to help whenever he could. Here he is imitating Dad with his hands as he pounds concrete mix into the hole.

While Hubby was digging around he unearthed this old, antique "thing". We have no idea what it was used for. It looks like some mid evil torture device. I'd love to know what it is.

Here is Hubby drilling another hole. I think he got 12 holes dug today. He's really been working hard, we are thankful he's such a good worker. It sure is nice to accomplish tasks that have been on our to do list for awhile. Thanks Sean!

We decided to reward ourselves for a long day with a trip into the store for ice cream and Oreo cookies. Wesley is nearly 19 months old and has never tasted the sweet goodness of Oreos, so today was the day. Here he is "testing the waters".

Then I tun around and the cookie is gone. It is replaced with an Oreo mustache. I think we have a winner.

That's all that's happening around here. Hope you all are enjoying the weather in your neck of the woods.
Cute pictures and all that, but the really important question is: Did Sean buy the post-hole digger or rent it? If he bought it, that would be the Coolest Thing in the World!
Love ya guys,
I was hoping to see a comment from Grandpa Rich explaining what the antique tool was that you found. Nice to see Nato is reading your blog, too! (Of course I don't think he reads ours!) He never has a second cup at home! ;-)
I've found out that the old contraption is a prairie dog killer. I guess you push it down over one of their tunnels and when they run through it, it traps their head and kills them...or something like that. And we did purchase the post hole digger...they are pretty cheap at $150 or something like that.
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