Monday, January 5, 2009

Lesson learned

So to beat the winter blah's, Wesley and I went into our little tiny town and wandered around. This is a one stop sign town (not even a stop light), yet surprisingly they have a really nice little library. So we wandered into it and had a nice time killing almost two hours. Wesley is finally at the age where he can go into a library and not yell and scream and totally mortify me in front of other library goers. He went from board book to board book quietly taking them off the shelf, sitting down and flipping through them until he looked up and discovered there was, in fact, row after row of more books. It was fun.

We went outside the library and he was wandering around when, to my dismay, we discovered that precisely at noon on the first Monday of every month the city does a test run of the tornado alarm. This was RIGHT ACROSS the street from us. I almost crapped myself and the poor kid looked like he was getting ready to be attacked. Just stood there shaking and wide eyed. I don't think either of our hearing is ever going to be the same. We hid in the library for the three minutes it was going off. Note to self: Don't be in town at noon on the first Monday of the month. Lesson learned.

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