The kid has a new love in his life. It is blue and squishy and goes by the name Play Doh. Several times a day he will wander into the kitchen and point to the cabinet where his little friend lives and say in his most precious little voice "play doh?". Although it sounds more like "pla duh". So we get out the clay and the little clay station (that we found in my parents attic from when I was a kid....can we say antique?). He'll stand at the table and play for about half a hour or until it starts getting licked repeatedly. I know once the licking commences I have about one minute before the whole chunk goes into the mouth. And what I learned yesterday is that once it goes in the mouth it stays in the mouth. The kid just about bit my finger off yesterday after I went in after some clay. He ends up with lovely blue teeth after the whole experience is said and done. But he loves it....playing and eating.

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