When I was pregnant I never realized how much I would worry about this little human I created. It started soon after he arrived with wet diapers, I had to count to make sure he was getting enough to eat. Then it was worrying about other drivers on the road when he's in the car with me. The list goes on and on....I worry about him being around sick people, dropping him, autism, the dogs stepping on him, SIDS, being too hot/cold....etc. Well the latest worry is his neck. The poor kid has had a crocked head since he was born. He tends to keep it crooked to the left side. I keep thinking he will fix it by getting better neck control, but it hasn't changed. So I did the bad thing of looking online (bad idea) and sure enough there is a condition where the muscles on either side of the neck are different lengths with one being tighter than the other. It says tummy time is very important to help strengthen and stretch the muscles. Of course he HATES tummy time still, although he is tolerating it better now than in the beginning. I'll have to talk to the pediatrician about it. Poor Wesley with the crooked head. I'm sure this is just one more thing in a long list of items I will worry about through out his life. Oh the joys of Motherhood!
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