Today I couldn't walk past the wisteria without taking a few photos. Three years ago I found two little pitiful wisteria vines on clearance at Wal-Mart so I took pity on them and brought them home. We have a rather ugly little chain link fence that was erected to keep the dogs away from the bay window on the house. The dogs had a fun trick that involved jumping up on the glass and scratching when they wanted inside. The chain link fence was nothing to look at so I planted these two little vines with the hopes of them covering it. For three years they grew and grew, with only maybe three or four blossoms a year. Never enough to even take notice. Well something happened this year. I have no idea what but there has to be 85 blossoms on these vines. Giant, bundles of flowers in purple and white draped along the fence. It's just the most beautiful thing ever. And the fragrance! Oh it smells heavenly. I'll find myself just standing out there immersed in the scent. It makes me what to go buy 10 more plants to place all over the property.

Before Greta came along, Wesley was my main photography subject. He never complained, he just let me shoot oodles and oodles of pictures. Well, he's decided enough is enough and this is usually the only side of him I can photograph anymore.

Oh well, I'll take what I can get. He is very helpful though (as long as the camera is turned off). I've been in a buying spree lately, getting Greta summer clothes off of eBay. I was in Target last week with my Mom looking at little girl clothes and was just about to buy some cute little summer rompers for $10 each when I thought about how many pieces of clothing I could buy off of eBay instead. So for $20 I got several darling dresses, a couple of rompers, some onesies and a couple of short sets. Most of them brand new with tags. They've been filtering into our mailbox over the past few days and Wesley thoroughly enjoys traveling up there and carrying them back to the house where he promptly rips them open and flings the contents across the living room.

Very helpful indeed. While we were at the mailbox he spotted this thing pull into the field across the street.

He was captivated with it and we stood there watching it until it had driven out of sight. What is it about boys and machinery?

From there we wandered over to the redbuds. I mentioned to my Mother that the row of redbud trees were blooming and she had no idea what I was talking about. Between our neighbors property and our own is a long row of mature redbuds. There's probably 30 of them and every spring they erupt into this long hedge of pink flowers. It lasts for about two weeks (if we're lucky) and then it's over. Apparently my Mom hasn't been over in that little span of time to see how pretty they are, so here is a picture Mom.

That was our adventure today. Pretty much a snap shot of our daily lives.
First of all, could Greta look anymore like you?? Wow. that picture IS you! And second, the redbuds. Every day we drive in to your house, the kids love to point out the 'purple' trees. Awesome. And third: We really need to go through the baby girl clothes again. I think we need to get you the next size up. I know I have a ton somewhere.
You really think Greta looks like me? Isn't that strange how the parent just can't see it.
I think we did go through the baby clothes, babies were born in different seasons. We'll look though next time I come over, that would be great. Thanks!
Yes. But Heather gave me clothes that Abby could never wear because it was the wrong season for her. She had an October baby so there might be something in Greta's range.
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