Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tis the Season

It's here! Garage sale season is upon us. I don't know why that is so exciting to me, maybe I have no life. Maybe the thought of hunting for the unknown just brings out the best in me. Whatever it is, I just love hitting those garage sales. Once again our little town hosted it's annual city wide garage sale this past weekend and I was a kid in a candy store. I got up super early (6:45), got the animals fed, Greta fed and back to sleep and was out the door by 8 am. I had a small list of things I needed to look for (toddler bed, booster seat for grandparents house, Toy Story toys for Wes). Got them all plus tons of cute little girl clothes to dress Miss Greta through this year (have I mentioned how much fun shopping for little dresses are??). I found a darling little wooden toddler bed for Wesley for $20 that was just the buy of the century. So cute and he's so excited to start sleeping in his "big boy bed". I also found a diaper pail that I'll use the heck out of. I've always been a "just take the dirty diaper directly out to the trash can" kind of girl, but I think I'll try using a diaper pail for awhile. They sure are convenient. How have I gone this long without a diaper pail? Crazy.

We spent the rest of the weekend doing outside yard work. Sean was mower man pretty much all weekend. When he wasn't mowing he was chain sawing branches. And when he wasn't chainsawing branches he was helping me clean out the koi pond. I swear it's always something around here. I did manage to completely finish sowing vegetable seeds. I'm done. It's now up to Mother Nature and my watering skills to see what comes of the garden. I think I might have gone a little overboard in my selection this year but I'm anxious to see what produces well and what putters out. When it's all said and done I hope to be harvesting broccoli, cauliflower, eggplants, okra, peppers, green beans, corn, summer squash, zucchini squash, carrots, onions and tomatoes. Phew. I'm exhausted just thinking about all the work I'm gonna have to do to that garden this summer!

Oh and 10 days until my baby chicks arrive!! *smile*

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