Friday, April 23, 2010

Scribbles in Soap

The nightly shower. It's the only time in a day that I'm guaranteed not to have a baby stuck to me or a whining two year old hanging off of my leg. It's my relaxing alone time. It's also the time when I do my best thinking and planning. My shower is a single enclosed stall with a glass door. Now I don't know if this is common knowledge or not but you can take a bar of soap and write on glass with it like a pencil. It works great. So when I'm in the shower I often (like nightly) take my bar of soap and do all sorts of planning on my shower door. I do mundane things such as writing out my shopping lists and estimating my checkbook balance. At one point I did things like deciding baby names, writing them out in full to see how they looked. I believe Greta's name was thought up in the shower. I'm currently in the process of designing my chicken coop on that glass door. Every night I get in there and add a little more. Just give it a little wipe with my wet finger and, poof, it's erased. I often wonder if other people do this strange nightly ritual in the shower?

1 comment:

Hoofprints said...

You know...they make really fun bath crayons that come in fun colors. Maybe that's what I'll get you for your birthday. hmmmm...