Another month has come and gone. They are going so fast these days. Miss Greta is seven months old today and we just can't imagine her not in our lives. She's such a blessing.
-Greta's sleeping habits are still going good. She sleeps through the night about 50% of the time, otherwise she get gets up around midnight but goes right back to sleep with a little nursing. I love that she and Wesley both sleep in every day until 9:30 or 10, it makes my life a little easier being able to accomplish tasks in the morning.
-Over this past month she's stopped taking her nap in my arms and started napping in her swing every day. It's kind of sad to say goodbye to that tradition since it was a nice mandatory afternoon break for me as well. It is nice to have some free time for at least an hour every day. Life is slowly returning to normal as the months go by.
-Greta is interacting with Wesley now more than ever. She loves to watch that little boy and will always crane her neck trying to find him. He loves to make her laugh, and he is one of the few reliable ways to get her to laugh these days.
-Her love of solid food is starting to show more and more. Where as last month she would humor me and eat her cereal, now she actually seems to enjoy it. She gets a fruit like applesauce or pears in the morning with oatmeal mixed in and at dinner time she has sweet potato, pumpkin, squash or carrots with rice cereal mixed in. It's nice to have her sit with us for meal time and be together as a family.

Holy cow! She has hair!! I've been away from that little girl for three weeks and all of a sudden she has all this new hair! What the heck? We need our play dates back. Sheesh...she's changed so much.nopulla
Oh my gosh, she has changed so much. She's starting to look like a little girl instead of a baby. Miss you all terribly.
She HAS changed a lot. So cute - and so blonde all of a sudden!
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